Raising the Information Management Maturity Curve |
William McKnight, McKnight Consulting Group
Business / Non-Technical
One Woman’s Circuitous Journey to the Role of Chief Data Officer |
Ursula Cottone, Citizens Bank
Business / Non-Technical
How to Operationalize FIBO for Business Value: Now and in the Future |
David Newman, Wells Fargo
FIBO Detail
Putting FIBO to Use: Some Brass Tacks |
Michael Uschold, Semantic Arts
FIBO Detail
Evolution Not Revolution - Integrating FIBO with an Existing Information Landscape |
Elaine Hanley, IBM
FIBO Management
Leveraging FIBO with Semantic Analysis to Perform On-Boarding, KYC and CDD |
Elisa Kendall, Thematix Partners LLC
Bryan Bell, Expert System Enterprise Corp
FIBO Management
A Practical Look at FIBO Mapped Data and Concept Associations |
John Senese, DataAxxis
Product/Service Offering
FIBO Tooling
Data Exploration with Visual SPARQL Queries |
Jans Aasman, Franz Inc.
FIBO Tooling
Using FIBO and Blockchain to Deliver Better and More Accurate Fixed Income Reference Data |
Tim Rice, Concur Reference Data
Will Janensch, Concur Reference Data
Product/Service Offering
FIBO Future
Converting Text into FIBO-Aligned Semantic Triples |
Tatiana N Erekhinskaya, Lymba Corporation
FIBO Tooling
FIBO Relationship to Other Financial Industry Standards: The XBRL Bank Call Report (FFIEC 031) in FIBO |
Jurgen Ziemer, Jayzed Data Models Inc.
FIBO Detail
A Semantic Web Based Mortgage Management System |
Corrado Boscarino, Ordina
FIBO Tooling
Smart Grid Data Interoperability in Support of Surety Based Risk Management Utilizing Data Standards Such as xBRL-CET, IECRE 61724 and FIBO |
Dixon Wright, Wells Fargo Insurance Services
Randy Coleman, Wizdom Systems, Inc.
Business / Non-Technical
FIBO Future
Armed with FIBO: Countering Counterparties Problems |
Mani Keeran, Franklin Templeton Investments
Gi Kim, Franklin Templeton Investments
Preeti Sharma, Franklin Templeton Investments
FIBO Future
Extending FIBO Mapping for Regulatory Reporting of Bonds and Equities |
Oliver S Browne, University College Cork
Business / Non-Technical
FIBO Future
How BIAN Plans to Use FIBO |
David S Frankel, Banking Industry Architecture Network (BIAN)
FIBO Future
Ontology Based Regulatory Reporting |
Radu Marian, Bank of America
FIBO Future
A Methodology for Conceptual Ontology Curation and Deployment |
Mike G. Bennett, Hypercube Ltd.
Business / Non-Technical
FIBO Management
Introducing the Round Trip Through SMIF/FIBO |
Jim Logan, No Magic
Cory B. Casanave, Model Driven Solutions
FIBO Detail
The Road to spec.edmcouncil.org/fibo |
Dennis Wisnosky, EDM Council
David Newman, Wells Fargo
FIBO Future
Using Data to Help Improve People's Everyday Lives |
Linda Powell, CFPB
Peter Aiken, Data Blueprint
Weapons of Math Destruction |
Cathy O'Neil, The Math Babe
Business / Non-Technical
FIBO Users Group Open Table Discussion |
Dennis Wisnosky, EDM Council
David Newman, Wells Fargo