Wednesday, April 5, 2017 
01:45 PM - 03:45 PM
During this session, we will tackle hard pieces such as:
- Perform Natural Language Processing (NLP) on regulatory instructions such as Capital Assessments and Stress Testing FR Y-14Q and FR Y-14M.
- Demonstrate Ontology learning and tune NLP accordingly.
- Demonstrate how W3C Tabular Metadata standard can be leveraged for a more accurate ontology based regulatory reporting.
- Propose an open source regulatory reporting ontology based on FIBO to improve regulatory reporting compliance.
The session will be mostly hands on and with a few slides in between.
Solution Architect in Knowledge Management and Information Security domains at Bank of America. Lead author of the approved standard recommendation at ITU-T x.1257 IAM Taxonomy. Co-chair of OASIS CloudAuthZ TC.